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Larisa Sergeevna Abrosimova 


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Abrosimova Larisa Sergeevna - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of Linguistics Department, Southern Federal University, a member of the "Russian Association of Linguists-Cognitologists". In 1993 - defended her candidate thesis (10.02.04 - Germanic Languages). In 2015, she defended her doctoral thesis "Word-Formation Categorization in the Linguistic Picture of the World" (10.02.19 - Language Theory; 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages).

Research interests: cognitive linguistics, word-formation, lexicology, intercultural communication, methods of language teaching, RNE methodology.


Research projects:

Author ID: 103926 SPIN: 4432-3326

ORCID: 0000-0002-2244-4329

Researcher ID: A-1658-2017

The Map of Science: 00089218

Scopus ID: 56819127000



    The course is an introduction to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the USA. It provides an integrative view of the British and American societies, their history, education, politics, ways of life and culture. Students will use various materials as part of their quest to understand the countries, including articles, historical documents, Web sites, films and documentaries. This course will help students to gain a better understanding of British and American cultures, their essential characteristics and to develop their language skills (listening, reading, speaking). Discussions and student presentations will complement lectures and will stimulate comparative, cross-cultural perspectives. The course is delivered in English, when students have achieved a level of English enabling them to understand the lectures and to participate in the discussions effectively. The course contents: 1. Physical background of the UK (territory, climate, nature) 2. Population of the UK 3. History of the UK 4. Educational system of the UK 5. Political set-up of the UK 6. British ways of life, culture and arts 7. Physical background of the USA (territory, climate, nature) 8. Population of the USA. Ways of migration 9. History of the USA 10. Educational system of the USA 11. Political set-up of the USA 12. American ways of life, culture and arts
  • Practical Phonetics of the English Language
    Course overview / general description This course will integrate language skills with an emphasis on improving pronunciation nad intonation skills. It includes continued practice in listening, pronunciation, intonation, reading and learning strategies. Introductory Phonetics includes: - Sounds and letters of English. Transcription. Rules of reading.Basic intonation models. Intonation of different communicative types of sentences. Modifications of sounds in connected speesh. Prerequisites: The students are supposed to have B2 level of English. Learning activities and teaching methods: The course includes interactive group and practical communication -oriented classes.
  • Language through Culture Studies (Master Program "Linguistic and Cultural Education")
    The objectives of the discipline: a comprehensive study of the history and culture of the United Kingdom in connection with the development of modern English; mastering the skills to incorporate ethnocultural information into EFL teaching. The students are provided with: • the basic concepts of the course "Linguistic and Country Studies", which form the basis of the linguistic-cultural theoretical and practical training of a student; • the facts of geographical, historical, cultural and social development of the UK; external and internal factors contributing to the formation of the British nation; • the vocabulary of the cross-cultural linguistics topics; The students will be able to: • produce an oral / written presentation based on information obtained from various sources; • critically analyze the content of training and educational materials in terms of cultural and political life of the UK • set research tasks in the framework of cross-cultural linguistic topics and find ways to solve them. The students will acquire: • linguocultural terminology system, • English as a means of intercultural, interpersonal and professional communication; accurate and adequate oral communication skills; • methods of obtaining, processing, organizing information.
  • Foreign Language Testing Technologies: Unified State Exam and International Programs (Master's Degree: Training Direction - 45.04.01 Philology)
    The objectives of the discipline: • the formation and development of professional competence, enhancing the level of professional and methodological skills of specialists in the field of Russian and international technologies for assessing educational achievements, • preparing school students for final certification in the form of a foreign language exam. Students will acquire: basic theoretical and methodological provisions of modern Russian and international technologies for educational achievements assessment; the content of the regulatory documents for conducting a RNE (Russian National Examination); structure of tests and assessment materials as a form of testing students' linguistic and communicative competences. The students will be able to: introduce new approaches to teaching foreign language; use test technologies as a form of current and final control of students' knowledge level; apply the criteria and standards for assessing each of the speech skills; develop and apply test technologies as a form of current and final control of the level of students' knowledge; analyze typical mistakes made by students during testing; properly organize educational and methodical work on the prevention of errors.
  • Discipline "Final State Certification (FSC) in a Foreign Language and Methods of Secondary School Students Training for FSC" Training Specialty - 44.04.01. Master Program "Linguistic Culture Studies"
    The objectives of the discipline: formation and development of professional competence, enhancing the level of professional and methodological skills of specialists in the field of Russian and international technologies for assessing educational achievements; preparing school students for final certification in the form of the Russian National Exam in foreign languages. As a result of studying students will acquire and be able to use: • basic theoretical and methodological provisions of modern Russian and international technologies for educational achievements assessment; • the content of the regulatory documents for conducting a RNE (Russian National Examination); • structure of tests and assessment materials as a form of testing students' linguistic and communicative competences. • test technologies as a form of current and final control of students' knowledge level; • apply the criteria and standards for assessing each of the speech skills; • develop and apply test technologies as a form of current and final control of students' knowledge level; • analyze typical mistakes made by students during testing; organize educational and methodical work on the prevention of errors.

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