Southern Federal University | Press center: A professor from Uzbekistan gave a lecture at the SFedU mathematical seminar

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A professor from Uzbekistan gave a lecture at the SFedU mathematical seminar


On February 6, a lecture by Ravshan Ashurov, Professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, was held as part of the regular scientific seminar of the RSEMC SFedU. The seminar was led by Professors Alexey Karapetyants and Vladislav Kravchenko.

Ravshan Radjabovich is a Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Differential Equations and Their Applications at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan named after V.I. Romanovsky. He received his PhD from Moscow State University in 1982 and his PhD in 1992. He has worked as a researcher or visiting scholar at a number of institutions, including the University of Birmingham in England, Vanderbilt University in the USA and the ICTF in Trieste. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, as well as several books and monographs in English, Russian and Uzbek. His research interests include fractional differential equations of ordinary and incomplete type, spectral theory of differential and pseudodifferential operators, harmonic analysis and wavelet transformations.

On February 6, Professor Ashurov gave a lecture on a new formulation of the inverse problem of determining the order of fractional derivatives in differential equations at a seminar of the Russian Scientific Research Center of the Southern Federal University. Determining the unknown order of the fractional derivative in differential equations modeling various processes is an important task of modern applied mathematics. It is often difficult to determine the order of the fractional derivative directly, as there is no available measuring instrument. In such cases, it is necessary to solve the inverse problem, which consists in determining this parameter based on indirectly observed information about solutions. In his lecture, Ravshan Radjabovich presented a brief overview of the most interesting works in this field, and also proposed a new formulation and methods for solving these inverse problems. He proved that in the new formulation, solutions to inverse problems are not only unique, but also exist. At the same time, not only the subdiffusion equations were considered, but also the fractional wave equation, the Rayleigh-Stokes equations, and some mixed-type equations.

The seminar "Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" was attended by more than forty mathematicians - specialists from the world's leading scientific and educational centers in Russia and other countries, including graduate students and students of the SFedU Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science and young scientists.

Online scientific seminar of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center ( /) it is held regularly every two weeks, announcements of new seminars and videos of previous seminars are available on the website . The seminar features leading researchers from around the world whose research interests are related to analysis, differential equations, and mathematical physics. The scientific seminar of the mathematical center is open, everyone can take part in it.

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