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A young foreign scientist has arrived for an internship at the RSEMC of the Southern Federal University.


In August, Ali Raza (PhD), a young scientist from Pakistan, joined the staff of the RSEMC SFedU

Ali Raza arrived for an internship at a postdoc position and is engaged in scientific activities at the SFedU under the guidance of Prof. A.N. Karapetyants. He is also involved in the Research-in-Pairs program of the Center for Interaction with Young Foreign Scientists. Joint scientific research is carried out in the field of the theory of spaces of functions of variable summation order. This is a rapidly developing part of modern analysis and theory of functions, in which mathematical objects are studied that change their integrability properties depending on a point in space. Such studies find numerous applications in other applied sciences, for example, in the theory of electrorheological fluids in chemistry. Ali Raza is an Assistant Professor at Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University, Lahore (Pakistan). Ali Raza is a young scientist with international teaching and research experience, supervised the work of seven students (master's theses) and currently also supervises four graduate students and seven undergraduates. He has published scientific articles in reputable international journals in collaboration with researchers from different countries.


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