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The project of a young scientist of the Southern Federal University became the winner of the competition "UMNIK-Electronics"


The project of Ilya Meshcheryakov, a programmer at the Resource Center for Breakthrough Digital Technologies of the Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security of the Southern Federal University, became the winner of the UMNIK-Electronics competition (stage III) in the field of Power Electronics within the framework of the federal project "Applied Research, development and implementation of electronic products".

In total, 195 applications from 44 regions of Russia were received for the UMNIK-Electronics competition, 21 applications were supported. The project of the young scientist of the Southern Federal University became the only one that received the support of the Innovation Promotion Fund in the Southern Federal District.

Ilya Meshcheryakov will carry out a promising project on the topic "Development of an electric power distribution device in local intelligent power systems with renewable energy sources".

"The main purpose of the innovative product being developed is the integration of distributed microgeneration facilities based on renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. The victory in the "UMNIK Electronics" competition was not given the first time, but our team has bold engineering dreams - we like to work on technologies that are ahead of time," Ilya Meshcheryakov said.

The scientific director of the project is Alexey Tselykh, Associate Professor of the Department of Information and Analytical Security Systems named after Professor L.S. Berstein at the Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security of the Southern Federal University. In recent years, the scientist has acted as a scientific consultant to the winning companies of such competitions of the Innovation Promotion Foundation as "Development-Digital Technologies" and "Development-Artificial Intelligence".

"The transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy is one of the key priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for the next decade. The new innovative project is being implemented within the framework of the direction "Intelligent distributed energy and consumer services", the focus topic is "Highly efficient devices operating using renewable energy sources". The project develops the results that our research team received within the framework of an international grant made in cooperation with universities of the BRICS countries: Brazil, India and South Africa. The team of the winning project of the UMNIK-Electronics competition sets ambitious scientific and product goals, the achievement of which is designed to contribute to the formation of energy communities in Russia," commented Alexey Tselykh.

The result of the project in the horizon of one year will be a sample of a highly efficient power distribution device in local intelligent power systems with renewable energy sources as part of a layout of a smart power supply network. It is expected that the innovative development will be in demand by energy communities, which include active consumers (consumers) of electricity, including households, organizations and enterprises of various industries.

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