Southern Federal University | Press center: A professor from Hungary gave a lecture at the SFedU mathematical seminar

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A professor from Hungary gave a lecture at the SFedU mathematical seminar


On January 23rd, Szilard Reves, Professor at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, gave a lecture as part of a regular scientific seminar at the Russian National Research Center of the Southern Federal University. The seminar was led by Professors Alexey Karapetyants and Vladislav Kravchenko.

Szilard Réves (Szilárd Révész) is a professor, Doctor of Sciences, senior researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, author of more than 120 scientific publications. Professor Reves is also the editor–in-chief of the journal Analysis Mathematica and a member of the editorial boards of the journals Ural Mathematical Journal and Kuwait Journal of Science, who has repeatedly served as a supervisor and executor in scientific grants from Hungary and Russia. His research interests include many sections of harmonic analysis, functional analysis, number theory, etc.

On January 23, Professor Reves gave a lecture at the seminar of the Russian Scientific Research Center of the Southern Federal University on applications of the well-known result of Fenton of the minimax type. This result has been generalized and used in various contexts in the constructive theory of functions. In particular, the lecturer spoke about new findings even in the most classical Chebyshev problem on the norm-minimal monomorphic polynomial on the interval [0,1].

The seminar "Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" was attended by about forty mathematicians - specialists from the world's leading scientific and educational centers in Russia and other countries, including graduate students and students of the SFedU Institute of Mechanics, Mathematics and Computer Science and young scientists.

Online scientific seminar of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center ( /) it is held regularly every two weeks, announcements of new seminars and videos of previous seminars are available on the website . The seminar features leading researchers from around the world whose research interests are related to analysis, differential equations, and mathematical physics. The scientific seminar of the mathematical center is open, everyone can take part in it.

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