The ranking of the most cited scientists in the world, compiled by Stanford University and the Elsevier BV data warehouse, immediately included 14 representatives of the scientific community of the Southern Federal University. Last year, 10 university employees were included in the list.
The ranking includes scientists from the second percentile ("2% of the most cited scientists in the world") according to the Scopus/Elsevier core. The c-score summary indicator takes into account the total number of citations, the h-index, the hm-index adjusted for co-authorship, as well as the order in the list of co-authors. The impact indicators were calculated for the entire career of the scientist and for 2024.
Researchers at the Southern Federal University have once again found themselves among the most cited scientists in the world. Every year, the number of SFedU scientists included in this rating is growing, which confirms the uniqueness and relevance of their work both in Russia and abroad. Southern Federal University is overwhelmed with pride for the achievements of its staff and their contribution to the development of Russian science.
So, in 2022, seven researchers from SFedU were included in the rating, ten at the end of last year, and this year the list includes 14 representatives of our university:
– Vladimir Minkin, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific director of SFedU. V. I. Minkin's works in the field of physical organic and quantum chemistry, studying the structure and molecular dynamics of organic and organometallic compounds have been widely recognized both in our country and abroad. In 1974, the scientist discovered the phenomenon of acylotropy, the rapid reversible migration of acyl groups between nucleophilic centers in organic molecules. He developed a new scientific field, the chemistry of structurally non—rigid molecules in ground and excited states, and developed the theory of orbital stabilization of "nonclassical" structures of organic compounds. Today, he is the leader of theoretical organic chemistry in Russia, the author of monographs and more than 900 articles in the domestic and foreign press, 60 Russian and international patents. One of the most cited Russian scientists.
– Maxim Khlopov– Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher at the SFedU Research Institute of Physics. Professor Maxim Khlopov is a well-known specialist in the field of cosmology and elementary particle physics, the author of a number of textbooks and monographs. At one time, he was one of the Top 100 most cited scientists in Russia according to the RSCI in the Astronomy category.
– Dmitry Ruban is an associate professor at the SFedU Institute of Tourism, Service and Creative Industries. Dmitry's research interests include stratigraphy, paleontology, paleobiology, lithology, historical geology, geotectonics, and geoconservation. In addition to geology, his research interests also lie in the fields of geography, nature conservation, tourism, management, economics, law, philosophy of science, etc.
– Anatoly Uzdensky is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at SFedU. Since 1971, Anatoly Borisovich has worked for the benefit of the Southern Federal University, developing such scientific areas as neurocybernetics, biophysics and biocybernetics, molecular neurobiology, etc. The scientist is the author of 475 scientific publications, four books and four inventions.
– Alexander Soldatov, Doctor of Physico–Mathematical Sciences, Scientific director of the SFedU department. The professor is a recognized expert in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and his research group holds world-leading positions in this field. A.V. Soldatov is one of the pioneers in the development and application of methods for studying the local atomic and electronic structure of matter through the theoretical analysis of X-ray absorption spectra in the near-threshold region of XANES. His work in the field of theoretical interpretation of X-ray absorption spectra laid the foundations for the application of XANES spectroscopy to study the atomic structure of materials without long-range order, which was awarded the prize of the IXAS International Society.
– Igor Uflyand – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, SFedU. Igor Efimovich is an honorary employee of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, the author of more than 200 scientific papers, 5 monographs, 10 copyright certificates for inventions.
– Tatiana Minkina– Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council, Head of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Assessment, Chief Researcher at the Soil Health Laboratory of the D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the Southern Federal University, Head of the strategic project of the Southern Federal University "Soil Resource Management Systems" of the Priority 2030 program (national project "Science and Universities"). Tatiana Mikhailovna is the head of 28 research projects supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Science Foundation (RNF), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and international societies. Currently, she leads the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The scientist is the author of more than 457 publications published in WoS and Scopus.
– Vera Butova is a Senior researcher at the SFedU International Research Institute of Intelligent Materials.
– Eduard Vorobyov is a Doctor of Physico–Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher at the SFedU Research Institute of Physics, Head of the Laboratory of Astrophysics and Computer Modeling. His research interests include astronomy and astrophysics, including the formation of stars, planets, and the evolution of the protosolar system in general.
Ruslan Minyaev is a professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Chief researcher at the Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry at the SFedU Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, whose areas of work include the study of nonclassical structures of organic and organoelement compounds, reaction pathways on potential energy surfaces of various topologies, supermolecular models of crystalline bodies, and the study of the chemistry of organosporic polymers with nonclassical bond coordination on atoms. carbon and molecular design of materials based on them and much more.
– Alexander Pozharsky– Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, SFedU. Under his leadership, 36 candidate's and 4 doctoral theses were defended. Today, Pozharsky is known as one of the outstanding Russian organic chemists, whose work in the field of organic and heterocyclic chemistry has received wide international recognition. He is included in the list of the most cited Russian chemists in the world and among the most cited scientists of SFedU.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1992), since 1983 – Head of the Department of Chemistry of Coordination Compounds of the Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the Russian State University (now SFedU) Alexander Garnovsky occupies a special place in this list. His works continue to live and remain in demand in the scientific community even after his death.
Alexander Dmitrievich is the author of more than 800 scientific papers, 11 monographs, 30 copyright certificates of the USSR and 3 patents of the Russian Federation. One of the most cited chemists in Russia (according to scientific.ru ). He has trained 1 doctor and 30 candidates of sciences. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1989) and the L. A. Chugaev Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1997), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2002).
Over the years of his life, he developed original methods for obtaining a number of azomethine and azole compounds, as well as for the stereo- and regioselective synthesis of their complexes with various metals. He established the rules of nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution in a number of imidazole derivatives, formulated and substantiated the patterns of competitive coordination of ambident chelating ligands. He developed ideas about standard and non-standard types of coordination of chelating ligands and about stabilization during complexation of unstable tautomeric forms. He completed a series of studies on tribochemical synthesis of coordination compounds.
Of particular importance is the fact that among the most cited were also three foreign researchers who, during their time at Southern Federal University, demonstrated impressive achievements and established themselves both domestically and abroad:
– Chetan Keswani is a postdoc at SFedU from India, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology for Improving Soil Fertility and Agricultural Quality at SFedU Academy of Biology and Biotechnology.
– Vishnu D. Rajput is a scientist from India, Doctor of Biological Sciences, chief researcher at the SFedU Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, participant in ten projects supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, head of the international laboratory of Nanobiotechnology, projects within the framework of a Mega–grant and an international grant with organizations of the BRICS countries. As a participant in the SFedU postdoc program within the framework of the Priority 2030 Development Program (national project "Science and Universities"), Vishnu Dayal Rajput directs most of his work to the implementation of the strategic project "Soil Resource Management Systems".
– Sukhil Khoury is a professor at the American University of Sharjah (UAE), who joined the scientific staff of the SFedU Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center as a visiting professor in 2023. Research interests: differential equations, numerical analysis, mathematical hydrodynamics, boundary value problems, spline collocation methods, scientific calculations, solitons.
The citation of scientists is an indicator of scientific influence, reflecting how much the research of specialists affects the world of science. Scientists of the Southern Federal University are actively involved in the global research agenda and largely determine the prospects for the development of priority areas for our country. The university's scientific community, together with the country's industrial partners, are creating new full-cycle laboratories that allow them to develop promising projects, develop interdisciplinary research, work on import conservation and strengthen the country's technological sovereignty, and participate in major federal programs, including the Priority 2030 program for strategic academic leadership.
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