In December, Estefania Murcia, a young scientist (PhD) from the CINESTAV Research Institute, joined the scientific staff of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University (RSC SFedU).
Estefania Murcia has arrived for a scientific internship and will be engaged in scientific and educational activities at SFedU. Estefania Murcia is a young researcher in the field of inverse problems. She specializes in differential equations and mathematical programming. Currently, she is engaged in expanding the possible application of modern methods of operator theory, function spaces and harmonic analysis to solve direct and inverse problems. In addition, using computational methods, she explores the applicability and limitations of theoretical results. Estefania actively collaborates with researchers from different scientific fields in an interdisciplinary environment and studies new mathematical and applied problems to solve real-world problems at the intersection of mathematics and other scientific fields.
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