On January 26, the annual Rector's Ball dedicated to the Day of Russian Students was held at the Student Club of the Southern Federal University in Taganrog.
The ball was attended by students from all structural divisions of SFedU, as well as teachers, the vice-rector's office, the rector of SFedU Inna Shevchenko and invited guests.
Every year, the SFedU Rector's Ball is dedicated to a special topic. So, in 2022, in the year of the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great, the theme of the ball was "Peter's Assembly". In 2023, the student dance festival was dedicated to the Russian ball. The theme was also chosen for a reason: 120 years ago, in 1903, the great Russian ball of the Romanov House began with the opera Boris Godunov. This event went down in history not only as the most grandiose ball of that time, but also as a symbol of the renaissance and a new milestone of Russian culture. Last year, the SFedU Rector's Ball was a masquerade ball, and this year the theme of the celebration was the Pushkin Ball. The great Russian poet devoted many lines to balls. His characters famously danced the mazurka, quadrille, and cotillion.
The directors of the ball were Andrey Bedrick, Director of the SFedU Institute of Social and Regional Studies, and Tatyana Strelnikova, Chairman of the SFedU CCA, who invited the guests and participants of the ball to the dance hall.
The program of the current ball featured classical historical and everyday dances, which, as a rule, were performed at traditional balls of the 19th century. Also, student couples, representatives of all structural divisions, performed a special welcome dance, which, according to tradition, annually becomes the starting point of the holiday. This time it was a polonaise, it was with this classical dance that the balls of the Pushkin era began.
Then the rector of SFedU Inna Shevchenko addressed the participants and guests of the ball, congratulating everyone on the Day of Russian Students.
Yakov Aslanov, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Youth Programs at Southern Federal University, also addressed the guests and participants of the ball.
Irina Golubeva, Deputy Head of the Taganrog City Administration, delivered a welcoming speech.
SFedU prepared a rich program for the guests and participants of the ball, which included performances by actors, ballroom games, the work of a thematic photo zone, congratulations from Tatiana, a free dance program, as well as a festive treat with student drinks from the rector of SFedU Inna Shevchenko and the chairman of the Joint Council of Students of SFedU Tatyana Strelnikova.
This year, the special feature of the ball was the performance by the actors of Pushkin's poetic works, including excerpts from his novel "Eugene Onegin".
Holding the Rector's Ball has become a good tradition of SFedU since 2015. Every year this dance event is gaining more and more popularity among students. The guys are looking forward to the ball and are preparing for it in advance. Students who have good academic performance and social life at the university can get to the rector's ball.
Let us remind you that the SFedU Rector's Ball traditionally marks the end of the winter session and the beginning of the student holidays.
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