On February 7, three large excursions took place at the Zoological Museum of the Southern Federal University. Three large excursions dedicated to the diversity of the animal world of the Rostov region and the globe took place. The event is timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Science.
The guests of the museum were children from the University primary school 1 and secondary School No. 4 in Bataysk and students of grades 5 "B" and "G" at School No. 31 named after A.S. Kataev in Rostov-on-Don.
The tours were conducted by members of the Museum staff and employees of the Zoology Department of the SFedU Academy of Biology and Biotechnology Roman Romanchuk, Alexey Tikhonov and Konstantin Klimovich.
Three large excursions, three guides and a lot of interesting information about animals that never cease to amaze not only scientists, but also, of course, those who listen to them – young tourists. The children learned about which species of animals are rare in the Rostov region and why they should be protected.
We saw how small the cubs of the planet's largest land predator, the polar bear, are born. We tried to answer the question of why seals and whales moved into the water and how successfully they did it. They learned to distinguish a crow from a rook and a lion from a cougar. They touched the teeth of a sperm whale with their own hands. And of course we listened about how important it is to carefully take care of museum exhibits and why museums value them very much.
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